Yes, welcome one and all, to the maelstrom of information that clogs my brain. Here, you will find a mix of news and opinion, largely regarding science , politics, technology, and the like. From open-source software to Ontario’s drinking water, you never really know what I’m going to land on next, but I always try to present an informed and educated viewpoint on whatever I choose to discuss.

“Allow myself to introduce… myself”

That’s a quote from Austin Powers: International Man on Mystery, which remains one of my favorite movies to this day. What can I say about myself? I’m a vibrant and multi-faceted individual with a passion for living life to the fullest. With a strong foundation in language and communication, as well as a a background in computer programming, I bring a logical and analytical mind to my pursuits, but I’m also a creative at heart, with a love for art, music, and writing. I’m a lifelong learner, always seeking out new knowledge and experiences to expand my horizons. A Linux user for the 20+ years, I’m heavily involved in open-source software (mobile, desktop, and server), as well as building and repairing custom PC’s, phone’s, tablets, etc. Whether through scribe, conversation, or collaboration, I strive to inspire and be inspired by the world around me. With a friendly and approachable demeanor, I aim to make a positive impact in everything I do. Above all, I’m a devoted partner, parent, and friend, and I cherish the connections I make with others. Whether I’m coding, creating, or simply enjoying the beauty of the world around me, I strive to approach each day with curiosity, enthusiasm, and an open heart. Site currently under reconstruction, check the NewsBlog or hit my socials in the meantime.