I currently have two school age kids in Ontario, and this is a disaster not in the making, but actively in progress. We need to fix this now.
I currently have two school age kids in Ontario, and this is a disaster not in the making, but actively in progress. We need to fix this now.
I posted about the Starliner taking off with known leaks on launch day, so this is really no surprise.
A lot of people assume space is just that, a big empty void sprinkled with stars and planets. We forget that it’s active, moving, evolving, and we are constantly in motion within it, interacting with anything it throws our way. Knowing if and when something like this could be headed our way again would allow us to prepare, rather than being caught out in the cold, so to speak.
As someone who currently has two children in school in Ontario right now, this is utterly infuriating.
Currently leaks on 4 of 12 thrusters. Way to go, Boeing. Lolol.
Having one of these is scary enough, but the fact that they are starting to pop up like potholes through Siberia and the Arctic is pretty terrifying.
Ok, so the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is spinning so fast, it’s basically warping space into a football-like shape around it. Pretty cool.
Pretty heavy stuff, but makes for some great reading if you’re a physics nerd, as I am.
I would bet that 88% accuracy is relatively on-par or better than humans perform at the job. Pretty fucking cool use of “AI”.